Tuesday, July 28, 2009


If you ever commit suicide I'm going to beat your corpse.

Better to swing for the fences than to never swing at all.


I'm afraid of chicks and tiggers.

That was the most retarded thing that I have ever done besides get married.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I really hope that sound isn't Bill beating that fish against a rock.

Oh ***, tell me you're not talking about my brother.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jamie Patel

This really does give a lot of support.

Sprinkle this money all over me so I look like a dead hooker.

I can't hang out with you when you're in heat.


I don't know you, but I'm beginning to detect that you're a very negative person.

F*** this test.  I'm going to drink my sorrows away.  Colton, can I study for the next test with you?


Its a good thing I have multiple personalities, or I would be outnumbered right now!

Its not a hoax, its got zinc in it!


It's hard to not be a slut when you are so good looking!


I'm gonna tell Jesus!


Vampires don't sleep upside down.  That's a myth.

I'll be your pasture full of cows!


Saiten's bum!

Your mom has a protruding manhole.


You got the poop-sweats!  Whatever, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!


Don' look at me like yo momma don' feeeed you!


He didn't know whether to shit or go blind!

She could hide her own Easter eggs! (regarding my mom)

Your breath could knock a buzzard off a shit-wagon!


Don't make me go Chernobyl all over your Belarus.

That's what bonfires are made of...dreams.


Its not rocket surgery.

Light reading?  What is she looking for, holocaust books?!


Clearly we're not mature enough to be in here.

Oh, could you mean the behavioral problems you were having during that sacred hymn?

Brian S.

I had a cat once that died of feline AIDS. I didn't even know he was gay.

Americans only eat for two reasons: because we're bored, and to spite third world countries.

I can't think of what to get you, and I hate you, so here's your Wal*Mart gift card.

There are plenty of days I don't buy gas and Iraq never falls into the ocean.

My arm smells like someone burned down a Persian night club.

Yuma is like a multiple-choice question with only wrong answers.


So I stayed up until three o'clock in the morning and finished it.  And cried.  A lot.